CPG manufactures a diverse selection of beamsplitters in both plate and cube configurations. Leveraging our proprietary adhesive-free Activated Covalent Bonding (ACB) technology, we create exceptionally durable assemblies that exhibit superior wavefront performance and high resistance to laser damage. With reliable performance across a wide wavelength spectrum, CPG’s beamsplitters offer a distinctive solution for your most challenging infrared applications.

Cube Beamsplitters - IR
CPG provides cubes tailored for both narrow and broad bandwidth operation across the IR spectrum. These precision cubes feature a high laser damage threshold, excellent transmission (>95%), and exceptional extinction ratios (>100,000:1). Custom cubes, manufactured with our proprietary adhesive-free bonding technique, are available in sizes ranging from 1 mm to 75 mm, with laser damage thresholds limited only by the bulk material properties.

Plate Polarizers
Fabricating plate polarizers for the infrared requires meticulous control over every step, from polishing to coating, to achieve an exceptional extinction ratio, ultra-low loss, superior wavefront performance, and high laser damage resistance.

Dichroic Beamsplitters
Infrared dichroic beamsplitters are designed to divide or combine light based on wavelength or transmission properties. Our advanced surface finishing, coating processes, and metrology ensure that each component meets all system requirements.

Non-polarizing Beamsplitters
CPG IR non-polarizing beamsplitters provide broadband, polarization-insensitive operation with precise path length matching between reflected and transmitted beams. This design ensures reliable transmission and channel isolation characteristics to meet the demands of your application.